Part Boarding and On Property Lease

We have a part-board/lease program in place for those riders who wish for more time in the saddle without the commitment of buying their own horse. Our part-boarders/leasers must lesson 1x/ week but have the option for 2x/ week. For part-boarding you also get 1x or 2x week ‘free rides’. Free rides are time to ride without being in a lesson. You will be responsible for planning and working on your riding during these times. As a part-boarder you will be limited to 4 days per week and must have each ride scheduled so that if your mount is needed for regular lessons there is no overlap. Part-Boarders must commit to a minimum of 6 consecutive months. 

If you wish to ride more you can do our on property lease. A lease will allow you full access to the pony/ horse with no restrictions on when you can ride. As a leaser you will be responsible for the well-being of your chosen mount and responsible for all cost associated with care.(i.e board, farrier, vet, feed supplements, chiro etc.)  Mounts are leased out for 1 year at a time.

Part-Boarders and leasers who do 2 lessons weekly will have the opportunity to show should they wish.

As a part-boarder you will have several responsibilities akin to those who own their own horses.

  • Getting your horse from the field and turning out

  • Feeding grain after you ride (if your horse is grained)

  • Blanketing in bad weather on your riding days, we will advise.

  • For those under 18 yrs of age, you must have adult supervision at all times

Leasees will be responsible for all care of the horse or getting the appropriate care for the mount (i.e farrier, vet, chiro etc.), they will get the same care as boarded horses and must follow the rules just as a boarder would.

Part Boarding Rates:

1 lesson & 1 free ride / week - $360 + HST

2 lessons & 1 free ride/ week - $620 + HST

For more information you can email us at